
Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics

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E. V. Malinina, S. A. Suprun, E. A. Markova
"... The pathogenetic aspects of a concomitance of infantile autism and epilepsy are considered. Data ..."
Vol 7, No 1S (2015): Special issue "Epilepsy" Regularities in the course of epilepsy during various age periods Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Kalinin, A. V. Yakunina, I. E. Poverennova
"... the regularities of the course of epilepsy during various age periods. Patients and methods. The results ..."
Vol 11, No 1 (2019) Changes in the quality of life of children after surgical treatment for drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
K. B. Abramov, D. A. Sarsembaeva, V. A. Khachatryan
"... Objective: to evaluate the impact of surgical treatment for drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy ..."
Vol 6, No 3 (2014) Analysis of reasons for low adherence to antiepileptic therapy in patients with symptomatic epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
M. A. Vagina, L. I. Volkova
"... ) diagnosed with a ≥3-year history of symptomatic epilepsy were screened. The minimal and maximal durations ..."
Vol 10, No 1S (2018): СПЕЦВЫПУСК: ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ Difficulties in the differential diagnosis of epileptic and hypocalcemic seizures in children and adolescents Abstract  similar documents
I. O. Shchederkina, K. A. Orlova, I. E. Koltunov, E. M. Orlova, D. Yu. Korneev, O. F. Vykhristyuk
Vol 6, No 1S (2014): Special issue "Epilepsy" Features of the Gestation Course, Delivery, and Postpartum Period in Women with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
A. V. Yakunina
"... myoclonic epilepsy (JME). In most cases, the course of JME was favorable during pregnancy; so administration ..."
No 1S (2016): A case of successful treatment for epilepsy and myasthenia in a young female patient Abstract  similar documents
T. V. Romanova, A. V. Yakunina
"... Epilepsy belongs to the diseases that show the high rate of comorbidity with another abnormality ..."
Vol 10, No 1S (2018): СПЕЦВЫПУСК: ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ The role of neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
L. V. Lipatova, N. B. Serebryanaya, N. A. Sivakova
"... epilepsy, which made the authors consider the  inflammatory theory of epileptogenesis. The chronic ..."
Vol 7, No 1S (2015): Special issue "Epilepsy" Risk factors for transition of febrile convulsions to epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
A. F. Dolinina, L. L. Gromova, K. Yu. Mukhin
"... Object: to assess a relationship between febrile convulsions (FC) and epilepsy. Patients ..."
Vol 5, No 1S (2013): Special issue "Epilepsy" Comorbidity of tics and epilepsy in children and adolescents Abstract  similar documents
N. A. Ermolenko, A. Yu. Ermakov, E. I. Zakharova, I. A. Buchneva, T. I. Kalikina
"... of which is not fully clear. A study has shown a high comorbidity of tic disorders and epilepsy ..."
Vol 6, No 4 (2014) The specific features and pattern of febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES) in children Abstract  similar documents
L. V. Shalkevich, O. A. Lvova, A. I. Kudlach, V. V. Komir
"... in children with febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES) and the aspects of identifying ..."
Vol 10, No 1S (2018): СПЕЦВЫПУСК: ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ Current approaches to neurosurgical treatment for drug-resistant focal epilepsy in adults Abstract  similar documents
E. A. Narodova, A. A. Narodov, N. A. Shnayder, D. V. Dmitrenko, I. G. Strotskaya
"... epilepsy in the adult population of Russia and foreign countries. The literature published in the period ..."
No 1S (2016): Long-term management of patients with epilepsy. Organization of a service in the Tyumen Region Abstract  similar documents
E. V. Levitina, D. I. Lebedeva, O. A. Rakhmanina, K. V. Voronkova
"... Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease that requires a long-term or lifelong follow-up of patients ..."
Vol 4, No 1S (2012): Special issue "Epilepsy" Evoked brain potentials in the diagnosis of epilepsy in patients of different age groups Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Kalinin, I. E. Poverennova, A. V. Yakunina, T. V. Kuznetsova, M. V. Kurov
"... Epilepsy continues to occupy one of the leading places in the structure of neurological diseases ..."
Vol 4, No 1 (2012) Post-stroke epilepsy: predictors, risk factors, clinical types, treatment Abstract  similar documents
Tatyana Valeryevna Danilova, D R Khasanova, I R Kamalov
"... Cerebrovascular diseases are one of the most common risk factors of symptomatic epilepsy. The paper ..."
Vol 4, No 3 (2012) Specific features of early post-stroke seizures Abstract  similar documents
Tatyana Valeryevna Danilova, D R Khasanova, I R Kamalov
Vol 5, No 1 (2013) Epilepsy and pregnancy: current therapeutic tactics Abstract  similar documents
Pavel Nikolayevich Vlasov, V A Karlov, V A Petrukhin
"... The paper deals with the current tactics for managing epilepsy during pregnancy. Based on the data ..."
Vol 13, No 3 (2021) Oxcarbazepine as the initial monotherapy of focal epilepsy in adolescents and adults Abstract  similar documents
T. N. Pushkar, A. M. Azhigova, P. N. Vlasov, A. B. Kozhokaru
"... and adjunctive therapy for focal epilepsy (FE). It has been used in Russia since 2007; however, only a few ..."
Vol 5, No 4 (2013) Cognitive impairments in epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kostylev, N V Pizova, N A Pizov
"... Cognitive impairments in epilepsy are a current problem in neurology. The basis of the idea ..."
Vol 7, No 1S (2015): Special issue "Epilepsy" A variant of idiopathic epilepsy: Clinical note Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Karlov, S. N. Illarioshkin, G. A. Kovalenko, N. Yu. Abramycheva
"... The paper describes a clinical case of idiopathic generalized epilepsy with a variable phenotype ..."
No 1S (2016): Analysis of adult patients with epilepsy in the age continuum Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Karlov, O. S. Inozemtseva
"... with main types of epilepsy in relation to age. Patients and methods. The investigation enrolled 150 ..."
E. D. Belousova, A. Yu. Ermakov
"... and additional therapy in children and adolescents with epilepsy. Subjects and methods. This open-label ..."
Vol 3, No 2 (2011) The hemostatic system in neonates whose mothers took antiepileptic agents during pregnancy Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Petrukhin, V. L. Grishin, A. P. Mel'nikov, P. N. Vlasov, G. R. Drozhzhina
Vol 4, No 1 (2012) Higher psychic dysfunctions in adult patients with epilepsy: role of antiepileptic therapy Abstract  similar documents
Kira Vladimirovna Voronkova, O A Pylayeva, I A Buchneva, T M Akhmedov
"... patients with epilepsy. It considers the factors influencing the development of higher psychic dysfunctions ..."
Vol 16, No 1 (2024) A five-point scale for assessing the quality of life of patients with epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
P. N. Vlasov, V. A. Karlov, I. A. Zhidkova, A. O. Khabibova, A. M. Azhigova, V. A. Kharkovsky
"... The main goal of epilepsy therapy is to improve the patient’s quality of life (QoL), which ..."
Vol 9, No 1S (2017): SPECIAL ISSUE: EPILEPSY Intellectual development of children born to mothers with epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
A. V. Yakunina, I. E. Poverennova, V. A. Kalinin, S. A. Ananyeva
"... with epilepsy. Patients and methods. The Wechsler test was used to examine 30 epileptic mother–child pairs ..."
Vol 12, No 1 (2020) Gender characteristics of therapy for genetic generalized epilepsy in adults Abstract  similar documents
I. V. Volkov, G. S. Karpovich, A. V. Kalina, O. K. Volkova
"... Valproate is generally the drug of choice in genetic generalized epilepsy (GGE). But its therapy ..."
Vol 6, No 1S (2014): Special issue "Epilepsy" Experience of Using Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Treat Drug Resistant Epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
L. V. Lipatova, T. A. Skoromets, S. A. Gromov, S. D. Tabulina, A. V. Vtorov, M. M. Bondareva, A. G. Naryshkin, I. V. Galanin, S. A. Korovina, N. A. Sivakova, Yu. E. Mironenko
"... (VNS) in patients with drug resistance epilepsy (DRE). Patients and Methods. A VNS system was implanted ..."
G. I. Naumova
Vol 7, No 1S (2015): Special issue "Epilepsy" Efficacy of generic levetiracetam (epiterra) in monotherapy for epilepsy in adult patients: preliminary results Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Karlov, P. N. Vlasov, I. A. Zhidkova
"... ) in adult patients with focal epilepsy (FE) or juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) who took the drug for і6 ..."
Vol 5, No 1S (2013): Special issue "Epilepsy" Risk of epileptic seizures onset during acute period of stroke Abstract  similar documents
I. G. Rudakova, E. Yu. Djachkova, I. G. Kolchu
"... Stroke is one of the chief cause adults epilepsy. Screening study was performed. Risk factors ..."
Vol 5, No 1S (2013): Special issue "Epilepsy" Drug-resistant epilepsy associated with cortical dysplasias Abstract  similar documents
I. E. Poverennova, T. V. Kuznetsova
"... Epilepsy associated with malformations of the cerebral cortex is reported in the literature ..."
Vol 11, No 4 (2019) Neurophysiological parameters and neuroimaging data in predicting the course of structural focal epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
Yu. I. Medvedeva, R. A. Zorin, V. A. Zhadnov, M. M. Lapkin
"... an integrated approach to predicting the course of focal epilepsy. Objective: to investigate the role ..."
Vol 4, No 1S (2012): Special issue "Epilepsy" New antiepileptic drugs, cost-efficacy analysis Abstract  similar documents
P. N. Vlasov, N. V. Orekhova, T. I. Konovalova
"... Objective: to optimize pharmacotherapy in patients with epilepsy and to evaluate the clinical ..."
Vol 5, No 1S (2013): Special issue "Epilepsy" The effect of antiepileptic drugs on cognitive functions Abstract  similar documents
A. S. Kotov
"... of cognitive impairment in case of epilepsy has not been explored fully, but there is no doubt that a role ..."
Vol 15, No 2 (2023) Headache and epilepsy: prevalence and clinical variants Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
V. V. Osipova, A. R. Artemenko, D. A. Shmidt, E. A. Antipenko
"... Headache, which is often present in patients with epilepsy, can occur outside of epileptic ..."
Vol 9, No 1S (2017): SPECIAL ISSUE: EPILEPSY Super-refractory status epilepticus and ischemic stroke: A clinical case report Abstract  similar documents
A. S. Kotov, M. A. Litvinenko, E. A. Sandu, M. A. Alakova, E. K. Sorokina
Vol 5, No 1S (2013): Special issue "Epilepsy" Epilepsy and autism: The authors’ study data Abstract  similar documents
K. V. Voronkova, O. A. Pylayeva, A. A. Kholin, G. S. Golosnaya, T. V. Ananyeva, A. S. Petrukhin
"... A study was conducted to investigate electroclinical features in patients with epilepsy and autism ..."
Vol 9, No 1S (2017): SPECIAL ISSUE: EPILEPSY The heterogeneity of patients with epilepsy in terms of psychological characteristics, quality of life, and a response to anticonvulsant therapy Abstract  similar documents
R. A. Zorin, V. A. Zhadnov, M. M. Lapkin
"... The complex characterization of patients with epilepsy involves a description ..."
Vol 3, No 2 (2011) Therapy of depression in patients with focal epilepsy: experience with citalopram use Abstract  similar documents
A. V. Lebedeva, E. G. Melikyan, A. B. Gekht
"... (presumptively symptomatic) focal epilepsy. Subjects and methods. One hundred and twenty-one patients ..."
Vol 7, No 1S (2015): Special issue "Epilepsy" A new view on the sociosanitary characteristics of pregnant women with epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
N. V. Golovkina, A. T. Egorova, N. A. Shnayder, D. V. Dmitrenko
"... Objective: to assess the sociosanitary characteristics of pregnant women with epilepsy ..."
Vol 8, No 2 (2016) Chronic valproic acid intoxication in epileptology: diagnosis and treatment Abstract  similar documents
N. A. Shnaider, D. V. Dmitrenko
Vol 7, No 3 (2015) Efficiency of epilepsy treatment in the Moscow Region under the present-day conditions of drug provision Abstract  similar documents
Irina Gennadyevna Rudakova, Yu. A. Belova
"... Objective: to evaluate the efficiency of epilepsy therapy in the two periods 2006–2007 and 2013 ..."
Vol 2, No 3 (2010) Use of depakine chronosphere as a first monotherapy to treat epilepsy in children Abstract  similar documents
E. D. Belousova, A. Yu. Ermakov
"... -line monotherapy in the treatment of epilepsy in children without epileptic encephalopathy. Subjects ..."
Vol 9, No 1S (2017): SPECIAL ISSUE: EPILEPSY Stigmatization of patients with epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
E. V. Parfenova, F. K. Rider, A. G. Gersamia
"... of patients with epilepsy. The cognitive beliefs of society and patients, which are associated ..."
Vol 6, No 3 (2014) A clinical case of pseudotumorous chronic parainfectious limbic encephalitis Abstract  similar documents
N. A. Shnaider, Yu. S. Panina, T. E. Popova
"... and complicated by the development of resistant symptomatic focal epilepsy and emotional, volitional ..."
Vol 10, No 1S (2018): СПЕЦВЫПУСК: ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: neurophysiological aspects Abstract  similar documents
O. S. Shilkina, N. A. Shnaider, D. V. Dmitrenko, K. T. Kim
"... of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) in Russia and foreign countries. Materials and methods. The authors ..."
Vol 4, No 1S (2012): Special issue "Epilepsy" The clinical and neurophysiological characteristics of the deja vu phenomenon in epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
P. N. Vlasov, A. V. Chervyakov, G. R. Drozhzhina, М. V. Antonyuk, N. V. Orekhova, V. V. Gnezditsky, T. Yu. Noskova, P. A. Fedin
"... in epilepsy. Patients and methods. The manifestations of the dВjЕ vu phenomenon were compared in 154 ..."
Vol 11, No 4 (2019) Long-term follow-up in patients with catastrophic epilepsies Abstract  similar documents
K. V. Firsov, A. S. Kotov
"... epilepsies. Patients and methods. A total of 130 patients (62 (47.7%) men and 68 (52.3%) women) aged 21 ..."
Vol 9, No 1S (2017): SPECIAL ISSUE: EPILEPSY Analysis of a case of drug-resistant childhood absence epilepsy concurrent with mysophobia Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Karlov, S. V. Ilyushenko, G. B. Novoselova
"... The article presents a case of childhood absence epilepsy concurrent with mysophobia, panic attacks ..."
Vol 15, No 2 (2023) Withdrawal of valproic acid during pregnancy in women with epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
H. I. Navumava, P. N. Vlasov, A. I. Prusakova, A. A. Usoltseva, N. A. Shnayder, D. V. Dmitrenko
"... Objective: to analyze the course of epilepsy in women after withdrawal of valproic acid (VA ..."
Vol 7, No 1S (2015): Special issue "Epilepsy" Epilepsy in patients with multiple sclerosis: specific features of diagnosis and therapy Abstract  similar documents
Yu. A. Belova, T. I. Yaukushina, I. G. Rudakova, S. V. Kotov
"... Once the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) occur, the risk of developing epilepsy within 5 years ..."
Vol 9, No 1S (2017): SPECIAL ISSUE: EPILEPSY Russian Register of Pregnancy and Epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
D. V. Dmitrenko, N. A. Schnaider, A. N. Goroshkin, A. I. Tomilina, P. N. Vlasov, M. R. Sapronova
"... of AEDs. In most foreign countries, there are national and international pregnancy and epilepsy registries ..."
No 1S (2016): Molecular mechanisms responsible for the impact of antiepileptic therapy on bone mineral density of epileptic patients Abstract  similar documents
I. A. Zhidkova, T. V. Kaznacheeva, E. Yu. Demidova, V. V. Berseneva
Vol 6, No 1S (2014): Special issue "Epilepsy" Seizures Caused by Water-Electrolyte Imbalance and Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Therapy Problems Abstract  similar documents
I. G. Rudakova, Yu. A. Belova, N. V. Kel’, M. V. Alakova
"... in epilepsy patients. Etiological systematization of WEHD is presented. The fea- tures of brain injury ..."
Vol 9, No 1S (2017): SPECIAL ISSUE: EPILEPSY Mechanisms of valproate-induced teratogenesis Abstract  similar documents
D. V. Dmitrenko, N. A. Shnaider, I. G. Strotskaya, A. S. Kichkaylo, S. N. Zobova
"... тератогенным влиянием; при этом оба механизма особенно значимы в I триместре беременности, когда дисрегуляция ..."
Vol 4, No 2 (2012) Impact of antiepileptic therapy on the course of affective disorders in women with epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
E V Zheleznova, I L Medvedev, V V Kalinin
"... The impact of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) on affective disorders was analyzed in women with epilepsy ..."
Vol 7, No 1S (2015): Special issue "Epilepsy" Gastaut type idiopathic occipital epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
I. V. Volkov, O. K. Volkova
"... Idiopathic occipital epilepsy is a rare epileptic syndrome. Its incidence in a Novosibirsk cohort ..."
Vol 5, No 2 (2013) A single unprovoked generalized seizure: Results of examination and 5-year follow-up in 47 patients Abstract  similar documents
Lyudmila Valentinovna Lipatova, A V Vasilenko, S V Lobzin, D E Dyskin, A A Stanzhevsky
"... epilepsy (LIE). All the patients underwent complex clinical examination including EEG, MRI, and PBC ..."
Vol 12, No 6 (2020) Pregnancy and epilepsy: focus on seizure frequency changes and obstetric complications. Progress in studies and lag in practice Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
N. E. Ivanova, G. V. Odintsova, A. A. Oleinik, A. M. Shchetinina
"... Epilepsy is a common neurological disease that negatively affects all areas of life, with a need ..."
Vol 12, No 3 (2020) The efficiency and tolerability of lacosamide therapy in adolescents and adults with new-onset focal epilepsy in terms of the epileptiform activity index Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
V. A. Karlov, P. N. Vlasov, A. B. Kozhokaru, A. S. Samoilov, A. S. Orlova
"... Lacosamide (LCM) is one of the most promising antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) for focal epilepsy (FE ..."
Vol 11, No 4 (2019) Genetic risk factors for behavioral adverse reactions in epileptic patients taking levetiracetam Abstract  similar documents
A. A. Usoltseva, D. V. Dmitrenko, S. N. Zobova, E. N. Bochanova, N. A. Shnayder
"... of SNVs DRD2 rs1800497 (DRD2/ANKK1 Taq1A), COMT rs4680, and DBH rs1611115 was done at Stage 2. Results ..."
A. A. Usoltseva, D. V. Dmitrenko, S. N. Zobova, E. N. Bochanova, N. A. Shnayder
"... in patients with epilepsy, taking LEV. Materials and methods: Single nucleotide variants (SNVs) were chosen ..."
Vol 12, No 6 (2020) The use of perampanel in drug-resistant focal epilepsy: its effect on sleep Abstract  similar documents
A. A. Filin, M. V. Tardov, N. L. Kunelskaya, P. N. Vlasov
"... , and the polysomnographic (PSG) characteristics of nocturnal sleep in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy when PER ..."
Vol 7, No 3 (2015) Social adaptation and quality of life in reproductive-aged women with epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
Diana Viktorovna Dmitrenko, N. A. Shnayder, Yu. B. Govorina, A. V. Muravieva
"... women with epilepsy. Subjects and methods. A sociological survey using the Quality of Life Satisfaction ..."
Vol 9, No 1S (2017): SPECIAL ISSUE: EPILEPSY Epidemiology of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
O. S. Shilkina, N. A. Schnaider
"... The article presents information on the definition of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME ..."
Vol 10, No 1S (2018): СПЕЦВЫПУСК: ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ Sociocultural aspects and different types of stigmatization in epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
E. V. Parfenova, F. K. Rider, A. G. Gersamia
"... This literature review deals with knowledge and beliefs about epilepsy and with the attitude ..."
Vol 7, No 1S (2015): Special issue "Epilepsy" Specific features of epilepsy in children with brain tumors Abstract  similar documents
G. V. Kalmykova, A. F. Neretina, Zh. Yu. Chefranova
"... Objective: to study the specific features of epilepsy in children and adolescents with brain ..."
Vol 4, No 1S (2012): Special issue "Epilepsy" Evolution of a physician’s notion of neonatal seizures and their sequels in the Republic of Tatarstan Abstract  similar documents
E. A. Morozova, E. O. Karpova, D. V. Morozov
Vol 10, No 1S (2018): СПЕЦВЫПУСК: ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ Current approaches to magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis of epileptogenic and associated lesions of the brain Abstract  similar documents
E. M. Perepelova, V. A. Perepelov, M. S. Merkulova, V. E. Sinitsyn
"... With the development of current neuroimaging techniques, their role in diagnosing epilepsy ..."
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