
Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics

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Vol 11, No 4 (2019) Hippocampal magnetic resonance imaging morphometry and neuropsychological parameters in patients with Alzheimer's disease Abstract  similar documents
N. N. Yakhno, N. N. Koberskaya, V. A. Perepelov, D. S. Smirnov, V. I. Solodovnikov, M. I. Trufanov, V. N. Gridin
"... is the post-processing of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, by exactly calculating the volume of various ..."
Vol 15, No 1 (2023) Labyrinthine infarction as a cause of acute cochleovestibular syndrome Abstract  similar documents
A. A. Monak, N. A. Kaileva, A. A. Kulesh, A. L. Guseva, V. B. Usmanov, V. A. Parfenov
"... of magnetic resonance imaging with delayed contrast enhancement. Modern data on clinical and instrumental ..."
Vol 14, No 2 (2022) Role of insular cortex lesions in determining the pathogenetic subtype of ischemic stroke Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
A. A. Kulesh, S. P. Kulikova, V. E. Drobakha, S. A. Mekhryakov, E. V. Bartuli, A. V. Buzmakov, L. I. Syromyatnikova, K. V. Sobyanin, Yu. V. Karakulova
"... of insular cortex lesions using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain as a potential neuroimaging ..."
Vol 9, No 4 (2017) Speech prosodic characteristics recorded by functional magnetic resonance imaging in healthy volunteers Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Karlov, V. M. Shklovsky, R. N. Konovalov, A. G. Petrushevsky, V. S. Zolovkina
"... magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This technique allows non-invasive studies of the organization ..."
Vol 10, No 1S (2018): СПЕЦВЫПУСК: ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ Current approaches to magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis of epileptogenic and associated lesions of the brain Abstract  similar documents
E. M. Perepelova, V. A. Perepelov, M. S. Merkulova, V. E. Sinitsyn
"... . The priority technique in this case is magnetic resonance  imaging (MRI) that has high sensitivity ..."
Vol 15, No 4 (2023) Paramagnetic rim sign in multiple sclerosis Abstract  similar documents
D. V. Kapkanets, S. E. Belov, M. B. Dolgushin, A. N. Boyko
"... , обнаруживается преимущественно в перивентрикулярной области, а также является перспективным предиктором ..."
Vol 15, No 6 (2023) Atrial cardiomyopathy in patients with cryptogenic embolic stroke: incidence, instrumental diagnostic features, impact on prognosis Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
S. A. Chazov, S. A. Mekhryakov, A. A. Kulesh, L. I. Syromyatnikova, P. A. Astanin
"... , специфический МРТ-паттерн (симптом «черной артерии»), а также неблагоприятный прогноз в течение 2,5 года ..."
Vol 12, No 1S (2020): Спецвыпуск: рассеянный склероз Nervous system damage in COVID-19 with an emphasis on the management of patients with multiple sclerosis Abstract  similar documents
A. N. Boyko, S. A. Sivertseva, N. N. Spirin
"... resonance imaging manifestations of brain damage in COVID-19. Among the neurological symptoms of COVID-19 ..."
Vol 12, No 3 (2020) Cerebral structural and functional changes in diabetes mellitus Abstract  similar documents
M. V. Matveeva, Yu. G. Samoilova, N. G. Zhukova, I. V. Tolmachev, E. E. Ermak, O. S. Tonkih
"... функциональных изменений головного мозга у пациентов с СД в зависимости от наличия КН. Пациенты и методы ..."
Vol 10, No 2 (2018) Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of white matter lesion in middle-aged patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Parfenov, T. M. Ostroumova, O. D. Ostroumova, V. A. Perepelov, V. A. Perepelova
"... Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) is the only noninvasive technique that makes ..."
Vol 11, No 3S (2019): Спецвыпуск: когнитивные нарушения, цереброваскулярные заболевания Early signs of damage to the brain as a target organ in hypertension Abstract  similar documents
T. M. Ostroumova, O. D. Ostroumova, V. A. Parfenov
"... ), as evidenced by the standard modes of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), decreased fractional anisotropy ..."
Vol 8, No 1 (2016) Opportunities in multimodal neuroimaging for optimizing thrombolytic therapy for ischemic stroke Abstract  similar documents
M. M. Odinak, I. A. Voznyuk, S. N. Yanishevsky, S. Yu. Golokhvastov, N. V. Tsygan, A. Yu. Polushin, R. V. Andreev, D. A. Mirnaya
"... : to estimate opportunities and benefits in applying multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to improve ..."
Vol 10, No 3 (2018) Cognitive impairment in patients with migraine: causes, principles of effective prevention and treatment Abstract  similar documents
V. A. Golovacheva, K. A. Pozhidaev, A. A. Golovacheva
"... функций, нейровизуализационные изменения белого вещества головного мозга при мигрени бессимптомны, а КН у ..."
Vol 12, No 6 (2020) Cognitive and emotional impairment in patients with migraine and signs of leukoencephalopathy during preventive therapy Abstract  similar documents
K. A. Pozhidaev, V. A. Parfenov
"... ) and signs of cerebral leukoencephalopathy according to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A control group ..."
Vol 11, No 3 (2019) Role of cerebral reserve assessed using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in determining the rehabilitation potential of acute ischemic stroke Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
A. A. Kulesh, V. E. Drobakha, K. V. Sobyanin, S. P. Kulikova, A. Yu. Bykova, N. A. Kaileva, A. A. Monak, I. N. Shardakov, V. V. Shestakov
"... Fractional anisotropy (FA) estimated using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI ..."
Vol 11, No 4 (2019) Long-term follow-up in patients with catastrophic epilepsies Abstract  similar documents
K. V. Firsov, A. S. Kotov
"... and neurological examination; routine EEG and/or EEG-video monitoring; brain magnetic resonance imaging ..."
Vol 11, No 2 (2019) Susceptibility-weighted MR imaging (SWI) of basal ganglia iron deposition in the early and advanced stages of Parkinson's disease Abstract  similar documents
A. G. Trufanov, A. A. Yurin, A. B. Buriak, S. A. Sandalov, M. M. Odinak, I. V. Litvinenko
"... (SWI), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequence, which allows the in vivo estimation ..."
Vol 9, No 1 (2017) The neuroanatomy of active hand movement in patients with severe traumatic brain injury: Analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data Abstract  similar documents
T. S. Mukhina, E. V. Sharova, G. N. Boldyreva, L. A. Zhavoronkova, A. S. Smirnov, M. A. Kulikov, E. V. Aleksandrova, M. V. Chelyapina, E. L. Masherov, I. N. Pronin
"... . Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI, 3T) was used to analyze cerebral hemodynamic changes in 28 ..."
Vol 12, No 4 (2020) The syndrome of transient headache and neurologic deficits with cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytosis (HaNDL): a description of three patients Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
A. A. Kulesh, N. L. Starikova, V. E. Drobakha, L. Yu. Brokhin, A. S. Chubarov
"... spontaneous recovery within 2–3 days. Perfusion computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging ..."
Vol 10, No 1S (2018): СПЕЦВЫПУСК: ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain in the diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy Abstract  similar documents
E. S. Solomatova, N. A. Shnaider, A. A. Molgachev, D. V. Dmitrenko, I. G. Strotskaya
"... диагностике височной эпилепсии, а также прижизненному неинвазивному выявлению метаболических изменений в ..."
Vol 14, No 1 (2022) Multiple cranial neuropathies as a manifestation of paraneoplastic syndrome in thymoma Abstract  similar documents
G. R. Ramazanov, E. V. Shevchenko, L. I. Idilova, V. N. Stepanov, A. M. Izmailova, S. S. Petrikov
"... . Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain with contrast revealed a pathological accumulation of contrast ..."
Vol 11, No 1 (2019) Primary progressive aphasia Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
V. A. Mikhailov, Yu. V. Kotsiubinskaya, N. Yu. Safonova, N. I. Ananieva, I. K. Stulov
Vol 11, No 4 (2019) Target determination for transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with a pharmacotherapy-resistant depressive episode based on the individual parameters of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (a pilot blind controlled trial) Abstract  similar documents
A. G. Poydasheva, D. O. Sinitsyn, I. S. Bakulin, N. A. Suponeva, N. V. Maslennikov, E. E. Tsukarzi, S. N. Mosolov, M. A. Piradov
"... протоколов рТМС. Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 30 пациентов с фармакорезистентным депрессивным ..."
Vol 15, No 3 (2023) Functional characteristics of the right ventral frontal/anterior insular cortex in the pathogenesis of delusions: a pilot study Abstract  similar documents
Ya. R. Panikratova, E. G. Abdullina, I. S. Lebedeva, K. Yu. Dmitrenko, P. G. Yuzbashian, E. V. Ilyina, G. P. Kostyuk, A. V. Andrushchenko, E. I. Voronova, I. Yu. Dorozhenok, D. V. Romanov
"... . Анализировали ФС области в п-ВЛ/ПО с остальными вокселами в головном мозге, а также локальную согласованность и ..."
Vol 10, No 2 (2018) CLIPPERS syndrome Abstract  similar documents
T. E. Schmidt, I. N. Pronin, K. Yu. Kazantsev, O. N. Voskresenskaya, I. V. Damulin, A. A. Aleksandrov, N. N. Yakhno
"... , by specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) changes, perivascular lymphocytic infiltration in the brain ..."
Vol 16, No 1 (2024) Transient ischemic attack in the vertebrobasilar vascular territory as a cause of isolated vertigo Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
A. A. Kulesh
"... , including computed tomography (CT) of the brain and CT angiography or diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance ..."
Vol 15, No 6 (2023) MRI assessment of different types of chronic demyelinating lesions in patients with multiple sclerosis using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) Abstract  similar documents
M. S. Matrosova, V. V. Bryukhov, E. V. Popova, G. N. Belskaya, M. V. Krotenkova
"... железа: часть очагов не определяются на QSM, а другая часть – визуализируются в виде либо гомогенного ..."
Vol 7, No 4 (2015) The unusual cause of stroke: Cerebral dural arteriovenous fistula Abstract  similar documents
M. N. Kalinin, D. R. Khasanova, M. M. Ibatullin, A. T. Kurado, L. M. Yausheva, I. Sh. Rakhimov
"... появление и персистенция значительного отека должны настораживать в плане поиска ДАВФ или иной венозной ..."
Vol 10, No 1 (2018) Possibilities of contrast-free magnetic resonance perfusion imaging for the detection of early brain damage in essential hypertension Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
T. M. Ostroumova, V. A. Parfenov, O. D. Ostroumova, E. M. Perepelova, V. A. Perepelov, E. V. Borisova
"... magnetic resonance imaging were performed in different modes (T1 MPRAGE, T2 TSE, T2 FLAIR, DTI, and ASL ..."
Vol 13, No 1 (2021) The behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia: a clinical case Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
Yu. V. Kotsyubinskaya, V. A. Mikhailov, I. K. Stulov, N. I. Ananyeva, L. I. Sitnik
"... уровня самосознания и нарастающей психологической и социальной дезадаптацией пациентов в социуме ..."
Vol 10, No 1 (2018) Possible mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction in patients with chronic forms of cerebrovascular diseases Abstract  similar documents
O. N. Voskresenskaya, N. B. Zakharova, Yu. S. Tarasova, N. E. Tereshkina, V. A. Perepelov, E. M. Perepelova
"... the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the clock drawing test), performed brain magnetic resonance ..."
Vol 14, No 6 (2022) Cognitive impairment and small vessel disease in atrial fibrillation Abstract  similar documents
P. M. Krupenin, O. N. Voskresenskaya, D. A. Napalkov, A. A. Sokolova
"... умеренных когнитивных нарушений (УКН) и церебральной болезни мелких сосудов. Пациенты и методы. В ..."
Vol 9, No 2 (2017) A multidisciplinary approach to treating musculoarticular dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint with obvious pain syndrome Abstract  similar documents
O. A. Shakhmetova, T. M. Sinitsina
"... and after treatment, all the patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging of the TMJ and masticatory ..."
Vol 11, No 1 (2019) Change in the content of titin and nebulin and their phosphorylation level in the quadriceps femoris muscle in chronic alcoholic myopathy Abstract  PDF (Eng)  similar documents
O. E. Zinovyeva, N. D. Samkhaeva, I. M. Vikhlyantsev, A. D. Ulanova, G. Z. Mikhailova, N. S. Shcheglova, D. O. Kazakov, A. Yu. Emelyanova, A. M. Nosovsky
"... (CPK), and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). All the patients underwent hip magnetic resonance ..."
Vol 15 (2023): (Suppl. 1) Clinical course features of atypical demyelinating optic neuritis: case series Abstract  similar documents
N. L. Sheremet, D. D. Eliseeva, V. V. Bryukhov, N. A. Andreeva, N. V. Zhorzholadze, Yu. K. Murakhovskaya, A. K. Kalashnikova, M. N. Zakharova
"... advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electrophysiologic studies, and ocular imaging have ..."
Vol 13, No 1 (2021) Benign essential blepharospasm: epidemiology, clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, botulinum toxin therapy Abstract  similar documents
Z. A. Zalyalova
"... resonance imaging. This may reflect the involvement of above regions in suppressing defective movement ..."
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