
Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics

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The authors consider the specific features of epilepsy in middle-aged and elderly patients: a preponderance of focal symptomatic and cryptogenic epilepsies, a frequent combination with concomitant mental and somatic diseases, and a relative efficacy of small-dose antiepileptic drugs (AED). Choice of therapy is noted to depend on the form of epilepsy/type of seizures, comorbidity and used medicines. A major focus is on the use of basic AEDs R carbamazepine and valproates. Data on the promise for using depakine chronosphere in middle-aged and elderly patients are given.

About the Authors

P. N. Vlasov
Moscow State Medical University of Dentistry
Russian Federation

O. V. Andreeva
Moscow State Medical University of Dentistry
Russian Federation


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ISSN 2074-2711 (Print)
ISSN 2310-1342 (Online)